By reserving your spot to join and attend the Maritimo Migration you agree to the following terms and conditions;
1. After reserving your spot and paying the fees you will have up until 3 months before the migration start day to cancel your spot.
2. If you cancel within the 3 month period there will be cancellation fees based on your type of booking.
Waiver and release from liability
1. The Maritimo Migration and Events includes access to ocean, marinas, docks, harbour water, access to boats, navigation of stairs and uneven surfaces, proximity to electrical equipment and fuels, and other hazards.
2. I acknowledge that attending the Maritimo Migration Event involves risks to health and safety.
3. I attend the Maritimo Migration voluntarily and at my own risk.
4. In consideration of being admitted to the Maritimo Migration, I waive all rights to claim compensation or damages against [Maritimo (MFG) International Pty Ltd ACN 612 656 158], any of its Related Entities under section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Maritimo), and any agent, employee or officer of any of them, arising from or related to any damage to property, personal injury or death which I may suffer while, or as a result of, attending the Maritimo Migration.
5. I also agree that I am responsible for, and will use all reasonable care to ensure, the health and safety of any child under 18 accompanying me at the Maritimo Migration and Event.
6. I agree to provide a Certificate of Currency and insurance policies to Maritimo to pass onto Marinas and Event 3rd parties.
Privacy Declaration
Maritimo is committed to maintaining the privacy of personal information you provide to Maritimo.
You understand that:
• Maritimo (MFG) International Pty Ltd ACN 612 656 158 (Maritimo) is the party who is collecting your personal information and can be contacted at, or alternatively you can write to us at 15 Waterway Drive, Coomera, Queensland, 4209, Australia.
• Maritimo collects your personal information directly from you. In certain circumstances, Maritimo may be required to collect personal information about you from third party service providers.
• Maritimo collects your personal information in order to manage and facilitate the activities at the Maritimo Migration and shall use your personal information for purposes including but not limited to: your entry to and participation at the Maritimo Display, undertaking contact tracing and complying with its COVID-Safe plan (if any), (with respect to contact personal information only) sending you marketing communications regarding Maritimo’s products, and you acknowledge and agree to your personal information being collected and used for, and in connection with, these purposes.
• If Maritimo does not collect this personal information in connection with the purposes in the preceding paragraph, or if the information is incorrect or incomplete, then Maritimo may be unable to permit you with entry to the Maritimo Display, unable to comply with its obligations to ensure contact tracing can be facilitated and / or comply with its COVID-Safe plan (if any) and unable to send you marketing communications.
• Maritimo may disclose your personal information to the following classes of people and organisations with the purposes listed above: its personnel, contractors, agents or third-party providers of services who have a need to know the information and any Governmental agency, as required.
• If you wish to access the personal information Maritimo has collected from you, or make a complaint, you may contact Maritimo at, or alternatively you can write to us at 15 Waterway Drive, Coomera, Queensland, 4209, Australia.
By continuing with your entry to the Maritimo Display, you indicate that you have read this collection notification and acknowledge that your personal information (and that of any of your dependents) will be collected, used and disclosed in accordance with this collection notice.
To the extent necessary, you give your voluntary express consent to Maritimo collecting, using, storing, disclosing and disposing of your personal information in this manner.